On the 14th of May, 2018, the sixth edition of General Electric’s (GE) manufacturing training Garage for hardware entrepreneurs is scheduled to take off in Lagos, Nigeria. The Garage is a four-week training program dedicated to accelerating the impact of Nigeria’s most promising hardware entrepreneurs through the utilization of advanced manufacturing technologies. Selected participants will be granted access to a team of world-class instructors, top-notch investors, technical experts and partners, and learn how to create products using cutting-edge manufacturing technology.

GE created the Garages program in 2012 to reinvigorate America’s interest in invention, innovation, and manufacturing. In 2014, Garages went global with four weeks of intensive workshops at GE’s offices in Lagos, Nigeria, using leading edge advanced manufacturing technologies including 3D printers, CNC mills, and laser cutters. Based on the immense success of the first installation, GE Nigeria launched a permanent installation of the Lagos Garage in December 2016. The GE Lagos Garage is a hub for training, strategy development, advanced manufacturing-based innovation and collaboration. So far, five cohorts of 141 entrepreneurs have gone through the program. During this period, several viable micro and small business enterprises have been birthed and are thriving as a result of training and support received during the Garage training program.

During this sixth iteration of the Garage program, participants will be trained in the latest advanced manufacturing technologies and techniques to enable innovation through rapid prototyping. They will also learn to apply the core principles of design thinking, product development, finance, marketing, sales, and customer acquisition in real-time to their ventures. Finally, the Garage will also provide participants with unfettered access to an expanding network of dedicated mentors and alumni to support them in starting and scaling their companies, and in building a culture of collaboration and innovation to bring their most innovative ideas to life.

Interested entrepreneurs can apply for the free program at http://bit.ly/2018SummerGarage

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