Quramo Publishing Limited is proud to officially announce the call for entries for the innovative and impactful Quramo Writer’s Prize, QWP. This year, the call for submissions is for manuscripts between 15, 000 and 20, 000 words and will close on the 31st of May, 2018.

Following the outstanding success of its debut in April, 2017 when first time writers; Samuel Monye for his piece titled Give Us Each Day and Arshiya, for The Forgotten, the competition continues to set a vital pace for the next generation of promising writers irrespective of background and nationality.

Judging the competition last year were a diverse group of avid readers and lovers of literature including Ego Boyo, Aduke Gomez and Olakunle Kasumu. This year, Quramo Publishing will once again showcase an array of some of Africa’s most promising creative minds as front liners in deciding the most outstanding work from hundreds of entries.

Reading has been a receding legacy amongst our young people for decades and the process of reorienting youth to once again embrace the reading culture has been an enormous task for the government, educationists, parents and other related bodies. At Quramo, we pride ourselves as frontline bearers of this cause. We are glad to play our part and contribute meaningfully to the learning and reading culture in our beloved country. A reading society is an informed society and with the right information we can empower one another for positive, sustainable economic and socio-political change” Executive Publisher, Gbemi Shasore

Aspiring writers of fiction are enjoined to submit entries via the website, www.quramo.com.

For media and partnership enquiries kindly mail: Precious.idaewor@roberttaylormedia.com or writersprize@quramo.com

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