On behalf of Marak Alliance, I want to thank our sponsors including our diamond sponsor, @SABIC; H.E. Dr. Goodluck Jonathan, former president of Nigeria; Mr. Shawn Bennett, Deputy Assistant Secretary, Oil and Gas, Department of Energy, U.S; conference moderator, Roger Tissot; Gosia Nowakowska-Miller, Local Supplier Development and Community Investment Specialist at IFC, speakers; and delegates for attending the international Local Content Conference on 01- 02 May 2018 at JW Marriott Downtown Houston, Texas, USA.222

We hope that you found the conference informative, qualitative and worthwhile. The primary goal of this conference was to bring together global local content experts, professionals, and stakeholders from around the world in an open dialogue, under one roof to discuss the issues concerning local content and to pinpoint possible strategies that will encourage local content, and promote FDI at the same time.

We believe that our diverse and experienced group of speakers and panelists from countries including but not limited to United States, United Kingdom, Nigeria, Netherlands, Mexico, Cote D’Ivoire, Canada, Argentina, Brazil, and Mozambique provided in-depth insight, as well as, actionable and practical tools for designing and implementing local content that have worked and failed in their respective countries.


Your presence helped to make this event a great success and your enthusiasm and positive spirit made our time together both productive and fun.

We hope that your journey to your respective country was pleasant.

We thank you for your comments and suggestions and we assure you that each will be given consideration so that future conferences and events will be even more of a success. Watch out for details on local content conference 2019 as we are expecting another distinguished former President and global local content experts.


Post-Conference Follow-Up

As a reminder, we are working on the conference white paper with inputs from the plenary sessions and presentations and the paper will be made available as soon as possible. Conference papers and pictures are being forwarded to attendees; in case we missed you please email us: info@marakconsulting.com

Thanks again,

Joy Akaa

Project Manager

Marak Alliance



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